Easier With Audible
Being an English literature major means I buy a lot of books and then occasionally make an effort to read them. And so, as someone who engages with the written word a lot, I’ve heard every argument in the book (pun intended) in the audio vs physical debate.
This campaign for Audible aims to cheekily call out some of the annoying or unrealistic aspects of the physical book and contrast them with the ease of Audible.
Sure you can’t sit in public and lord over strangers that you’re reading Thomas Pynchon or Herman Melville with an Audible audiobook, but is that worth it when you can hold the entirety of their works in your pocket? And while you can’t mangle and destroy your favourite copy of your favourite book, maybe it’s worth the trade-off of being able to hear someone’s life story right from the horse’s mouth.
At the end of the day, it is easier with Audible.
Copywriter: Tristan Wheeler
Art Director: Tristan Wheeler